cryogenic equipment

Shaft Cryostat on the Basis of a Closed-Circuit Refrigerator for Neutron Powder Diffraction Studies in the Temperature Range 6-300K.

Chernikov1 A.N., Zhuravlev1 V.V., Uljanov2 B.A., Trunov2 V.A., Bulkin2 A.P., Kolhidashvili2 M.R.

1 - JINR, Dubna

2 - KPNPI RAS, Gatchina

A cryostat on the basis of closed sycle refrigerator CoolPower 5/100T for operation in the temperature range 6.2-300K is presented. The cryostat is intended for a sample up to 18 mm in diameter and up to 100mm lenth. The reload of the sample placed into the ampoule, which is made of TiZr alloy, is performed at any temperature of the refrigerator with the help of an insert. Thermal connection between the sample and the heat exchanger of the refrigerator second step is perfomed with the help of heat exchange gas helium-4. The minimal temperature of the sample is 6.2 K at the accuracy of the temperature stabilization of the sample 0.1K. Measurement and temperature stabilization is performed by a controller connected with a computer. The shaft cryostat was developed to carry out the experiments on neutron diffraction from powder samples.

shaft cryostat on stand in KPNPI Cryostat at test time on stand in KPNPI.

cryostat on difractometer in KPNPI Cryostat at test time on difractometer in KPNPI.

sshaft cryostat and the vacuum system

The general view of the PDC with the shaft cryostat and the vacuum system. In the framework of the Contract K056 02KXBLMB/4792104SU Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Gatchina, Russia) and Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry of the China Academy of Engineering Physics (Miangyang, People Republic of China) carried out the installation and adjustment of the Powder Diffraction Complecs (PDC).

Production of cryostats for research and applied sciences.

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